The Nehemiah House project was launched in 2011 to provide safe, clean, and affordable rental housing for low-income families. HACER received a Neighborhood Stabilization grant through Palm Beach County. With the County’s assistance, HACER acquired and rehabilitated four rental units located in West Palm Beach.
Once the renovations were complete, the units were assigned to low-income families (defined by The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as 50% Area Median Income HUD) or less). The families are paying affordable rent, allowing them to maintain a clean, safe living environment for themselves and their children.
Lake Worth Apartments
In 2016, HACER acquired a duplex in the City of Lake Worth, our second housing project. The Lake Worth apartments needed extensive rehabilitation before they could be made livable. This effort required the work of several groups of volunteers, donation of materials from community businesses, and a financial commitment from HACER. After countless hours of work and sacrifice, the housing project was completed, and we are happy to report that since its completion we have been able to house two low-income families in those units. Our overall goal for the Housing program is to acquire additional properties that can be rehabilitated and turned into clean, safe homes for low-income families and individuals in need.